Tuesday, November 5, 2013





How about you....


That's today, if you didn't know. And it's not for a president. Or for a senator. It's a local election. And believe it or not, those count too. And they're important.

So please, take the time to learn about the candidates and then go exercise your right to vote. If everyone who said that their vote didn't matter went out and voted, then their vote would matter.

For everyone who complains about taxes, or laws, or policies or anything. Do something proactive and VOTE!

Candidates for Logan, Utah election, November 5, 2013

Other election links including polling locations - You can vote at ANY voting place in Cache Valley for this election. Please take your picture ID.

Wear your sticker proudly!

Edit: Please take your kids with you. Teach them how important this is. Lead by example. Mercy told me she wants to go vote again. Tomorrow. I think she might want another sucker and sticker. This kid has gone with me to vote in EVERY election I've voted in. only 15 more years until she can vote!

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