Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 4 - Favorite Quote

Ok I'm just picking random ones now cause I lost the list I was originally looking at.

So today's in my favorite quote. I actually have two. One is a quote I heard (in a song) when I was in high school. Now, originally it was cause I thought I was cool for having picked this as a quote, but I really feel it means something. Ready...

"Live to win, dare to fail" - James Hetfield

Ya, that's the lead singer of Metallica. And that quote is from a song. And for the life of me, I can't remember what song. Hey, I have kids now. The CD that's currently in my car is a Fisher-Price sing-a-long so forgive me for not rockin' out Metallica lately.

But when I was in HS that quote really stuck out to me cause it made me want to live life to the fullest. Not saying I ever did, and hey, maybe I liked it cause it was from a Metallica song, but I did really like it, and I used it as my favorite quote a lot.

So, a more recent quote that is my fave is actually a Bible passage.

1 Corinthians 1:18 "The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

When Mike and I got married he had to attend RCIA so he could receive communion and confirmation and then we could be married in the church. After that we were attending weekly Bible study where we'd go over the readings for the next week. I started reading the Bible at home. Now I've never sat down and read the Bible from cover to cover, but I did go to Catholic school for 9 years and church for 29 years so I've probably heard about 90% of it. But I did start reading the New Testament and when I got to Corinthians, this passage really stuck out to me.

I wear a cross every day. Usually it's the one my parents got me for my Confirmation, but sometimes it's the one Mike got me for our first Christmas, or the one his Grandmother gave me before she passed away. Members of the faith that is predominate in Utah do not wear crosses and one time someone asked me why I do. I think this passage sums it up perfectly. It is a reminder of what Jesus did for us so we could be saved. It reminds me of the sacrifices He made so I could be saved. I am a sinner. He died for me. By wearing a cross, I have a constant reminder to ask for help when I need it (and I do that a lot) and a reminder that He is always with me and guiding me. And I feel this passage is the perfect response when someone asks why I wear a cross. And it helps remind me of what Jesus did for us. I helps keep me humble and reminds me I'm not going through anything alone. And that God will not give me anything He knows I cannot handle. Sometimes I need that reminder.

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